Friday, March 14, 2014

It's A Mystery

One sneaker at the bottom of the stairs, half a red crayon under the kitchen table, two lonely magnet blocks right beside the game cabinet where the set is stored, pink hair tie on the stairs, a black sock straggling out of the bathroom doorway...

And I didn't pick up any of them.

While brushing my teeth and beginning to fume, an idea began and the details became clearer. A Mystery Box.

A quick rummage through the stack of odd boxes in the crawl space produced a smallish-squarish plain white box with an attached lid

Some five minutes with the crayons (and yes, the broken red one stayed under the table) and the box was be-decked with a large "?" on each side.

A sticky note with the message "put away the magnet blocks" was placed on the inside of the lid. Inside the box itself was a bag of mini Oreos. And the finishing touch, a piece of masking tape to caution the curiousity seekers.

When my entourage arrived home from school, the box was waiting; conspicuously placed and awaiting the questions: "What's that?" "Where'd it come from?" "Mommy, did YOU make that?" "What's in it?"

"Yup, it was all me," I answered. "And here's how it's going to work. There is a mystery chore inside. The person who does the mystery chore gets to open the box and have what's inside. And no peeking."

"Do I have to do this?" one of them asks.
"Nope, it's totally voluntary. But you just might get the prize without even trying. All you need to do is be aware of what you could do to help around the house."

That afternoon some of the kids were busy being helpful: taking out the recycles, wiping the table, asking siblings if they could do their dinner-time chores, picking up some of the aforementioned odds and ends. It was fun to watch.

As soon as someone earned that mystery prize, another was put in it's place. In about a month's time we had: compliment a sibling, take out the trash, carry a laundry basket upstairs (even if it isn't yours), play a game peacefully with a sibling, pick up books off the floor. The possibilities are endless!

It's been a few days since anyone has completed the mystery chore; it must be a tough one! Yesterday one of the kids said, "I don't know what it could be. I've been doing everything I can think of; I guess I'll have to keep trying."

Why this idea didn't come to me sooner is a mystery to me.

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