Wednesday, September 5, 2012

For Today

Today: May 2, 2012. While attending a support group for mom's of children with special needs, I took a call from our foster care agency regarding a possible placement. A four month old baby boy was going to be released from St. Christopher's Hospital later in the day, but before his discharge I would need to go to the hospital for training about using his NG feeding tube. The case worker also read through a list of the baby's injuries: fractured ribs, brain damage and hemorrhaging, seizures (being controlled by medication), possible hearing and sight loss. This placement was beyond the scope of my medical capabilities, but trusting that God had chosen our home for this baby as a safe place to land, I agreed to schedule the training upon her return call to confirm the placement. After I completed the phone call and relayed that information to the dear women at the support group meeting, they lifted Baby H in prayer. For that 'today', God placed me in just the right spot to receive that phone call.

Today: May 3, 2012. The case worker called early the next day (after an anxiety filled afternoon the day before) to report that Baby H had been moved from St. Christopher's Hospital to Weisman Children's Rehabilitation Center in Marlton, New Jersey since he was showing early signs of progress and improvement. I didn't hesitate to tell her that I wasn't shocked to hear of this progress since there were people praying for his healing (in addition to the ladies at the meeting, I had called several close friends and family members asking them to pray.) Baby H's anticipated date of discharge was May 25, and I was to go to the rehab center for training and to meet him sometime before then. Wasting no time, I immediately called Weisman, spoke with the social worker, and arranged to meet Baby H the following day. For that 'today', God's faithfulness was very evident in the healing He had begun in this baby's life.

Today: May 4, 2012. As soon as the bus picked up my kids, I hopped in the car and headed to Marlton. If not for the anticipation and excitement of meeting Baby H, I would have been a messy bundle of nerves over the prospect at driving alone, through the city, across the bridge into New Jersey, to a place I had never been. Armed with two sets of printed out directions, driving tips from the social worker (who used to live in Doylestown), and the fully charged and programmed GPS I was on my way. The bridge I was to cross, the Tacony-Palmyra, occasionally opens to allow large boats to pass. That morning was one of those occasions, only it opened not once but twice, putting me behind schedule by about 45 minutes. Once across the bridge, I made only one wrong turn which the GPS was quick and gracious enough to correct. I arrived at Weisman a little shaky that I had missed the baby's feeding time and would not be able to get the training. By the time I maneuvered my way through the building and found the social worker, I was sure I was too late. With a smile the social worker told me not to worry because I would not have to have the training as Baby H had begun to drink from a bottle the night before. So instead of the NG tube training, I would be trained on how to 'pace' him to drink from a bottle. For that 'today' God orchestrated the timing of my trip to remind me that His timing is perfect.

Today: May 18, 2012. One week ahead of schedule, and without the feeding tube, Baby H was discharged from Weisman to our home. I had been able to visit with him six times during his stay, was able to sit in on his therapy sessions, give him his bottles, play with him, and hold him for long, peaceful naps. Due to the severity of his injuries, upon discharge he was assessed to be about one month delayed, had suspected hearing and vision loss, and would continue to take anti-seizure medication. We were just glad to have him home with our family where he could recover and grow. For that 'today' we were trusting God to equip us for whatever challenges we would face.

Baby H is a miracle, a testament to God's goodness, grace, and love.

Today is really September 5, 2012 and it's been a long, busy, fun, exhausting, and amazing summer. There have been many todays since May 2, and God has walked with us through each one. I look forward to continuing to chronicle this journey now that life is back to the school-year routine.

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